Gilding the Lilly ... a tribute to Dr. John C. Lilly
April 26 - 30, 2000
John and Toni
John and Faustin
Lee, Shoshona, Glenn, and John
John and Faustin
Lee and Glenn Perry
Lee and Glenn Perry peer into isolation tank
Creon Levit and others
Czar John
Getting Tim wet
Friend with John
John by the shore
John on his 85th birthday
Ed Ellsworth helping release the dolphin
Project JANUS
van interior at edge of pool, backlot of Marineworld/Africa USA.
Human/Dolphin Foundation, 1980-1885
I met Dr. John C. Lilly in 1979 at a workshop in Pasadena. He was just putting together the Project JANUS lab, in a GMC stepvan. Above is a view of the hardware used Joint Analog Numerical Understanding System. Equipment included amplifiers, tape recorders, custom signal analyzer, tone generator, Apple II and Digital Equipment PDP 11/04 computers.
This is what Joe and Rosalie looked like when they were first captured.
Team: Dr. John Lilly, Toni Lilly, Barbara Clarke, John Kert, Tom Fitz, Jennifer Yankee, Ed Ellsworth, Martha Spence and others.
Goal: Forty whistle word vocabulary was accomplished.
Learned: Digitized human speech similar to dolphin ultrasound.
The JANUS software emulated dolphin whistles. It was easier for us to hear these lower-range acoustics. The dolphin communication that occurs in ultrasound (up to 200 KHz) is too high for us to perceive. The JANUS whistles named movements and objects in the dolphins environment. Joe go through the channel.
John Kert and John Lilly, Project JANUS
Joe and Rosalie on the underwater cam.
Find out how the isolation tank was used for communication work.
Spinning Dolphins